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#1 murii show

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 02:20 PM

1- cresterea daunelor pt armele q1-q6, ex: q1 de la 20-60; q2 de la 40-80......q6 de la 120-160

2 - la hrana cresterea puteri de regenerare la harana q1-q6, ceva asemanator cu propunerea de la arme

3 - reducerea costului la aur , inte 30-40%

4 - scoatere din productie rachetelor care amplifica daunele, acestea sa fie un avantaj doar prin cumparare sau prin cadouri in diferite momente ale jocului cum ar fi sarbatorile de iarna, pastel sau aniversari.

5 - scaderea numarului de arme necesar pt fabricarea rachetelor.

6 - fabricarea rachetelor sa fie nelimitata.

7- eliminarea unitatilor militare personalizate si introducerea unei uniforme nationale, armata romana sa fie impartita in armata 1-2-3.......n iar numarul unitatilor sa fie stabilit de administratorii.

8 - impartirea banilor ce revin tarii sa fie facuta de un program automat catre toate unitatile in functie de numarul de membrii (in acest fel s-ar elimina coruptia)


#2 murii show

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 03:28 PM

1 - increase damage for weapons q1-q6, eg from 20-60 q1, q2 from 40-80 to 120-160 ...... q6
2 - to feed the growing power of regeneration in Haran q1-q6, something similar to the proposed arms
3 - lowering the cost to gold, targets 30-40%
4 - out of production missiles amplify damage, they are an advantage only by purchase or by gifts in different moments of the game such as the winter holidays or anniversaries pasta.
5 - decrease the number of weapons needed for missile production.
6 - manufacture missiles to be unlimited.
7 - eliminating custom military units and introducing a uniform national Romanian army .... be divided into army 1-2-3 ....... n and the number of units to be set by administrators.
8 - sharing money accruing to the country to be done by an automated program to all units depending on the number of members (in this way would eliminate corruption)

#3 tommot


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Posted 28 December 2013 - 04:10 PM

1) here is something that could be related(but i am not sure of it): http://forum.erepubl...0-weapons-q1q6/

2) I am not sure what you mean here.  :huh:

3) I doubt that such thing would be acceptable. I suggest you keep an eye out for gold offers as you can safe some costs on it.

4) no, i don't like that.

5)  also no, it is a rare item/not an every day product. It should not be easy to assemble them.

6) Maybe increase the maximum to 5 or even 10 self produced rockets to store, but not unlimited.

7) Privat militia's (current none-government MU's) should still exist, but setting up a National army(for any nation) consisting out of maximum 5 Military Units seems like a nice addition to the playfield.

8) I don't see added value to this idea and i am not sure it would help against corruption.

For more info, look at my wikipage

#4 murii show

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 06:03 PM

pentru a intelege mai bine ce am scris ar fi necesara traducerea textului de catre un administrator sau cineva care vorbeste bine limba engleza, eu folosesc traducatorul google.
pot spune da, toate ideile sunt originale, asta nu inseamna ca alti jucatori nu gandesc si exista posibilitatea ca unele puncte se fie asemanatoare cu ideile altor jucatori.
la punctul 4 am cerut scoaterea amplificatorului de daune de la fabricile de rachete q4 si acesta sa poata fi obtinut doar prin cumparare pentru a da posibilitatea detinatorului jocului sa scoata banii de la cei care vor neaparat un avantaj in joc ca sa nu fie oobligati toti jucatori sa investeasca bani in joc. asta ar da un impuls jocului si ar aduce noi jucatori.
P8 - sigur s-ar reduce mult coruptia pentru ca cei de la conducerea tarii nu ar mai avea controlul total asupra resurselor nationale si astfel Um ar beneficia in mod corect de resursele tarii fara ca unele unitati sa nu beneficieze de toate drepturile cum se intampla in acest moment.

#5 murii show

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 06:04 PM

to better understand what I wrote would be required text translation by an administrator or someone who speaks good English , I use google translator .
I can say yes, all ideas are original , that does not mean that other players do not think and it is possible that some items are similar to the ideas of other players .
in section 4 we requested that the amplifier damage from rocket factories q4 and it can be obtained only by buying the game to enable the owner to remove money from those who are not necessarily an advantage in the game to all players not oobligati to invest money in the game. That would give a boost to the game and would bring new players .
P8 - sure would greatly reduce corruption because of the country's leadership would not have control over national resources and thus would benefit Um correctly the country's resources without some units do not enjoy all the rights as it happens At this point .

#6 tommot


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Posted 28 December 2013 - 06:45 PM

May i suggest that you place the translation in the same message as your original(none translated) one.

You should have a edit button available on every post you make.

The edit button makes double-posting unnecessary unless your post is longer then the maximum allowed characters.


1) i just shared a topic that could interest you as it shows some info related to your suggestion. ;)

For more info, look at my wikipage

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